What is a Rule 1.2 Representative?

A Rule 1.2 Representative is chosen by the Court of Protection. They help and represent a person who cannot make decisions during court cases

Key Responsibilities of a Rule 1.2 Representative

1. Represent the Person's Views:

- Tell the court what the person wants and feels.

- Make sure the person's voice is heard in court.

2. Act in the Person's Best Interests:

- Make decisions that are best for the person.

- Talk to the person and those close to them to understand their needs.

3. Liaise with the Court:

- Give information and updates to the court.

- Work with lawyers and others involved in the case.

Support for Rule 1.2 Representatives

- Training: Get training on the Mental Capacity Act 2005, DoLS, and making best interest decisions.

- Resources: Use guides and legal advice to do your job well.

- Ongoing Assistance: Get help from local advocacy services and professional networks.

Important Points to Remember

- Always do what is best for the person you represent.

- Keep in regular and meaningful contact with the person.

- Make sure the person's rights and wishes are central to all decisions and actions.

- Seek professional advice and support when needed.

Need More Information?

If you need more information or help, you can contact:

- Seren SAS

-Local Advocacy Services:

- Court of Protection:

- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Team:

Beth yw Cynrychiolydd Rheol 1.2?

Mae Cynrychiolydd Rheol 1.2 yn cael ei benodi gan y Llys Gwarchod i gynrychioli a chefnogi person heb alluedd yn ystod achosion cyfreithiol. Mae’r rôl hon yn sicrhau bod safbwyntiau a buddiannau’r person yn cael eu hystyried gan y llys.

Prif Gyfrifoldebau Cynrychiolydd Rheol 1.2

1. Cynrychioli Safbwyntiau’r Person:

- Cyfathrebu dymuniadau, teimladau, credoau a gwerthoedd y person i’r llys.

- Sicrhau bod llais y person yn cael ei glywed ym mhob mater cyfreithiol sy’n effeithio arnynt.

2. Gweithredu er Lles Gorau’r Person:

- Gwneud penderfyniadau a gweithredu er lles gorau’r person.

- Ymgynghori â’r person a’r rheini sy’n agos atynt i ddeall eu hoffterau a’u hanghenion.

3. Cydweithio â’r Llys:

- Darparu gwybodaeth a diweddariadau i’r Llys Gwarchod.

- Gweithio’n agos gyda gweithwyr cyfreithiol a phartïon eraill sy’n gysylltiedig â’r achos.

Cefnogaeth ar gyfer Chynrychiolwyr Rheol 1.2

- Hyfforddiant: Mynediad i hyfforddiant ar Ddeddf Gallu Meddyliol 2005, DoLS, a gwneud penderfyniadau er lles gorau.

- Adnoddau: Defnyddio deunyddiau canllaw a chyngor cyfreithiol i gyflawni eich rôl yn effeithiol.

- Cymorth Parhaus: Ceisio cymorth gan wasanaethau eiriolaeth lleol a rhwydweithiau proffesiynol.

Pwyntiau Pwysig i’w Cofio

- Bob amser gweithredu er lles gorau’r person rydych yn ei gynrychioli.

- Cynnal cyswllt rheolaidd a ystyrlon gyda’r person.

- Sicrhau bod hawliau a dymuniadau’r person yn ganolog i bob penderfyniad a gweithred.

- Ceisio cyngor proffesiynol a chefnogaeth pan fo angen.

Angen Mwy o Wybodaeth?

Os ydych angen mwy o wybodaeth neu gymorth, gallwch gysylltu â:

- Seren SAS

-Gwasanaethau Eiriolaeth Lleol:

- Llys Gwarchod:

- Tîm Diogelu Rhyddid: